独り舞 / Butterfly Solo Dance
¥6,600 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥2,200から
ヒトスジアートジュエリーは、美術家 升田学が一つ一つ丁寧につくられたアート作品です。純度95%のシルバーワイヤーを一点一点曲げ、人や動植物などの命の振る舞いを、ユーモアを交えて描き出しています。一筆書きで繊細に作り上げた作品は、大人の女性にぴったりの上品なデザインです。
HITOSUJI Art Jewelry is an art piece carefully created one by one by artist Manabu Masuda. Bending each piece of 95% pure silver wire, he depicts the behavior of life, including people, animals, and plants, with a touch of humor. Delicately created with a single stroke, these works are elegant and perfect for mature women.
This piece is a pair of earrings featuring a single butterfly. The earrings are asymmetrical, with the other side depicting the leaves of a plant.
Please handle with care so as not to snag the delicate work.
Discoloration due to oxidation can be restored to its original luster by soaking in a cleaning solution such as a jewelry treatment.
The size of each piece may vary slightly.
The size of the case is 8×7 cm.
¥6,600 税込